
fireworks exploding

Matsu Festival – Beigang, Taiwan

9 Comments on “Red

    • Thank you. This was the color. The air was full of smoke from the firecrackers and these rockets started firing off they created a red colorization to the smoke. I’ve also not done a filtering to this picture just brightness and contrast and levels layers..


    • Yes, Matsu is the goddess of the sea and celebrated at certain temples. Beigang is one of the largest in Taiwan. Usually other Matsu temples will care the Matsu god to this temple in a huge and very noisy parade.


      • Actually it is closer to snack, fireworks, snack, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, snack, fireworks, snack, fireworks, snack…. Or in any order they like. I suspect that this series went on all night as one of the parades was very late arriving.


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